The student loan management process involves four steps - Analysis, Application, Decision and annual Recertification. After a thorough analysis of your student loan records, financial profile, and income, our firm can determine your eligibility for each of the nine federally approved student loan repayment programs. Each program differs in how they forgive, restructure or consolidate your debt. We will provide you with a written report that contains our analysis. The report also provides our experienced staff with the background information necessary to advise you on the best course of action to ensure you maintain a healthy financial profile.
In order to get started, call or email my office to set up an initial consultation. We will assist you in obtaining a student loan transcript that provides the details of the loan or loans you may have. That transcript is then analyzed and a report will be generated showing the results of the analysis. After the analysis is complete, you will be provided your options based on the qualification factors required by the Federal Government and Department of Education. After selecting the appropriate option, we will assist you in filling out the applications and forms necessary to enroll you in the appropriate program. Once enrolled, you will be required to "recertify" on an annual basis. Again, our firm will provide this service to you at your request.
Choose to handle your student loan debt responsibly and economically. You do not need to sacrifice your life or peace of mind - especially when there are other options available to you. Please call or email our office to set up your initial consultation.